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June 19, 2017 本文有 712 个字 需要花费 2 分钟阅读




git clone https://github.com/toxic-ig/Trity.git
cd Trity
python install.py

root@7c81645eb6d8:~/Trity# python install.py 

< Trity Installer!! >
         \   ^__^
          \  (oo)\_______
             (__)\       )\/
                 ||     ||

Operating Systems Available: 

(1) Kali Linux / Ubuntu / Raspbian

[>] Select Operating System: 1

[!] Finished Installing! Run 'trity' to run program [!]



Note that Trity is provided as is, and is a royalty free open-source application.

Feel free to modify, use, change, market, do whatever you want with it as long as you give the appropriate credit where credit is due (which means giving the authors the credit they deserve for writing it).

Also by using this tool, you should try to make this tool better, try to stay positive, try to help others, try to learn from one another, try stay out of drama, try offer free hugs when possible (and make sure recipient agrees to mutual hug), and try to do everything you can to be awesome.
Trity is designed purely for good and not evil. If you are planning on using this tool for malicious purposes that are not authorized by the company you are performing assessments for, you are violating the terms of service and license of this toolset. By hitting yes (only one time), you agree to the terms of service and that you will only use this tool for lawful purposes only.

Do you agree to these terms and conditions?>yes


___________      .__  __          
\__    ___/______|__|/  |_ ___.__.
  |    |  \_  __ \  \   __<   |  |
  |    |   |  | \/  ||  |  \___  |
  |____|   |__|  |__||__|  / ____|

|----- Made by _t0x1c aka toxic -----|
|-----      Version: 3.4        -----|
|-----   1 tool - 35 choices    -----|

|----- A Warm Welcome to Trity! -----|
|----- Awesome Pentesting tool! -----|
|----- Have Fun and Stay Legal! -----|



help - displays this help message
clear - clears the screen
exit - exits tool
tool - displays info about the tool
info - displays computer and network info
cd - change working directories
ls - see files in working directory
echo - echo given words
speak - text to speech
ping - ping a host
banner - print a new banner
joke - tell a joke
quote - print a quote
contact - contact me
website - enter a website and get its ip
clone - clone a websites source 
whois - whois a website
web - extract info from a website
siteexists - check if a site exists
google - find google results for a query
clickjacking - test websites for clickjacking vulnerability
ip - geolocate an ip
xss - simple check for a xss vulnerability
sql - basic check for a sql vulnerability
email - bomb an email address
spoof email - spoof an email address
sms - spam text messages 
twitter - check the details of a twitter account
craft - generate useful scripts 
qr - generate a qr code
zip - crack a password-protected zip file
encode base64 - text to base64
decode base64 - base64 to text
encode hex - text to hex
decode hex - hex to text

Having fun